Official Plan Review - South Frontenac 2046

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Welcome to the Township of South Frontenac's engagement hub for the new Official Plan project!

The Township of South Frontenac is creating a new Official Plan, a key guiding document that directs growth and development in the Township. Recent Provincial policy changes as well as the need to plan for the changing needs of residents are key drivers for undertaking the process, which builds on work undertaken over the past few years to plan for growth and changing community needs in South Frontenac.

Community and stakeholder input is a key aspect of the planning process, and your input will be sought at key milestones throughout the process to inform the creation of the Plan. Keep posted on the Township’s social media, website or here, on Engage South Frontenac for updates!

If you would like speak with a team member directly about the new Official Plan, contact them via the project email:

Official Plan timeline

Welcome to the Township of South Frontenac's engagement hub for the new Official Plan project!

The Township of South Frontenac is creating a new Official Plan, a key guiding document that directs growth and development in the Township. Recent Provincial policy changes as well as the need to plan for the changing needs of residents are key drivers for undertaking the process, which builds on work undertaken over the past few years to plan for growth and changing community needs in South Frontenac.

Community and stakeholder input is a key aspect of the planning process, and your input will be sought at key milestones throughout the process to inform the creation of the Plan. Keep posted on the Township’s social media, website or here, on Engage South Frontenac for updates!

If you would like speak with a team member directly about the new Official Plan, contact them via the project email:

Official Plan timeline

  • Communal Servicing Policy Presentation

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    Frontenac County in partnership with the lower tier municipalities has established a Municipal Services Corporation that would own and maintain communal water and waste water projects. As part of the Official Plan process, there is a need for the Township to develop communal servicing policy as it relates to where to direct growth supported by communal servicing, and the type, scale, density, and uses that could be permitted.

    At the May 21, 2024 Council meeting, Council was presented with options when considering how to manage and direct growth that is supported by communal services. A public meeting will be held in the next couple of months to receive public comments on policy direction. The Council presentation is now posted in the Documents section.

  • Spring Open Houses Materials Now Posted

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    We've posted the presentations from our spring Open Houses and Public Statutory Meeting in the documents pane.

    If you have questions on the materials or the draft Official Plan, post them here or email

    We are now working on the final draft of the plan to present for County approval this fall.

    Thanks to everyone who attended the sessions this spring and for providing your feedback!

  • Second Draft of Official Plan and Spring Open Houses

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    We’ve now posted Draft #2 of the Official Plan. We’ll be hosting a series of Open Houses and Public Meetings this spring for the public to learn more about where we are in the process to update the Plan, what's in it and to share your feedback:

    Tuesday, April 25, 2023 – 7:00 pm (In Person)
    Verona Lions Hall, 4504 Sand Road, Verona

    Tuesday, May 23, 2023 – 7:00 pm (In Person)
    Storrington Centre - 3910 Battersea Road, Sunbury

    Tuesday, May 30, 2023 – 7 pm (Virtual and In Person)
    Statutory Public Meeting
    South Frontenac Council Chambers - 4432 George St, Sydenham

    Register using this link.

    We look forward to seeing you this spring!

  • Setting the Direction for South Frontenac's New Official Plan

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    The Official Plan Policy Directions Report provides a summary of public consultation completed between 2019 and 2021, and documents the results of the land needs analysis, as well as outlining policy recommendations to set the direction for starting to draft the new South Frontenac Official Plan. Council provided feedback at the November 23, 2021, meeting and endorsed the policy directions report on December 21, 2021.

    The November 2021 Policy Directions report outlines the outcomes of the public engagement that occurred in August and September 2021. Dillon Consulting has reviewed the public input on the policy directions and provided a number of recommended policy directions based on theme areas. These policies are not intended to be exhaustive but are intended to inform the direction of the Official Plan.

    The information contained in the Policy Directions report forms a basis for Dillon Consulting and the Township staff team to prepare policy and mapping for the new official plan.

    Residents are encouraged to review the following documents. The next round of public engagement will occur later this year following the release of the first draft of the new Official Plan. Should you have any comments in advance of upcoming public engagement opportunities, please send them in writing to

  • South Frontenac Official Plan Policy Direction Brochures and Discussion Papers

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    Policy Direction Brochures and Discussion Papers have been prepared ahead of the August 2021 Official Plan Virtual Open Houses.

    The purpose of the documents are to get the community thinking about the range of issues that need to be addressed in the new Official Plan.

    The documents provide information on four important themes that will be discussed as part of the August 2021 Official Plan Virtual Open Houses:

    1. Housing,

    2. Economic Development,

    3. Lake Ecosystems; and

    4. Agriculture,

    5. Growth Management,

    6. Economic Diversification.

    For each theme, these documents outline the goal, key influences, assessment of existing policies, possible policy direction and questions for consideration.

    These documents are not intended to be exhaustive on the issues or policy options. Rather they intend to provide background on the theme and generate discussion about policy directions for the Township to consider.

    Discussion papers on growth management and economic diversification are also being prepared and will be released soon. Subscribe to this page to be notified when they are posted.

  • Summer 2021 Consultation Events

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    The new Official Plan is about how the Township will continue to grow, building on the foundation from growth management work, and planning for growth to 2040 by directing growth to the right places to protect our key assets.

    Your input is critical to inform the policy directions for the Official Plan, please join us to learn more about the Official Plan process and share your opinions on important planning matters at these upcoming events:

    • Saturday, August 14, 2021, 10 AM - 11:30 AM

    • Thursday, August 19, 2021, 5 PM - 6:30 PM

    • Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 10 AM - 11:30 AM

    • Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 4 PM - 5:30 PM

    Note that the consultation events listed above will be virtual, using the Zoom platform, due to the ongoing pandemic. A link to register for these virtual sessions is available on the Township website at Virtual Attendance Information for Official Plan - South Frontenac.

  • Vision, Goals and Guiding Principles for the Official Plan

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    On June 15, 2021, Council passed a resolution supporting the following vision, goals and Guiding Principles for the new Official Plan.


    South Frontenac is a progressive, forward-looking municipality that balances facilitating growth that meets the needs of all our residents with environmental leadership in the protection of our outstanding natural assets to enhance the exceptional lifestyle, rural character, and economic opportunities offered by the Township.


    1. We support our villages to meet the daily needs of our residents through all stages of their lives.
    2. We are leaders in the protection of our environmental areas and lakes to support the quality of life in South Frontenac.
    3. We support a wide range and scale of businesses that contribute to the vitality of our community and enhance investment in villages and rural areas of the Township.
    4. We support the enhancement of the rural character through the way we manage growth, support rural land uses, and by recognizing the cultural heritage of the Township.

    Guiding Principles:

    1. Be open-minded in consideration of potential solutions which may meet the unique needs of the community.
    2. Adopt a sustainability lens, which considers the social, environmental and economic impacts of decisions.
    3. Consider the impacts of climate change on the future of our community and do our part to mitigate, adapt, and increase our resilience to those impacts.
    4. Work with, understand, and integrate First Nation’s interests in the future of South Frontenac.
    5. Be equitable and transparent, inviting input from community members frequently and in meaningful ways.
Page last updated: 17 Jun 2024, 10:10 AM