Thank you for considering becoming a registered user on This is one of the best ways to express your ideas and opinions to Frontenac County Council, Township Councils, committees, and staff. There's no cost, your private information is protected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and you can opt out any time.
Some features on, such as some surveys, are available only to registered users. Although you aren't required to register to see and use most of the projects and features on, we ask users to register and identify themselves so we can better ensure that participants are real and personally connected to Frontenac, and so we can better ensure community consultations are not unfairly dominated or co-opted by any one person or group. It's about keeping things as fair, authentic, and democratic as possible.
Just complete the form below to get started. Once you complete the registration form, you'll receive an email asking you to confirm that it was you who registered.