Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain

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Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain – Maintenance Project (Hartington)

The Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain was originally established as a Municipal Drain in 1985 in response to petitions filed by private landowners under the provisions of the Drainage Act. An Engineers Report was prepared by A.D. Revill Associates Ltd. at that time that documented the channel design, benefitting lands and assessment schedules. The Engineer’s Report was adopted under Bylaw No. 85-13 by the Township of Portland and the bylaw has been amended over the years to reflect updates in the schedule of assessed lands.

The main channel of the Pleasant Valley Drain originates in Hartington and drains in a southwesterly direction for approximately 6.4 kms towards Petworth Road and connects with the Napanee River.

In May of 2021, the Township appointed Robinson Consultants to carry out inspections of the Municipal Drain to assess the condition of the channel against the original design. The final report identified that maintenance was needed to address sediment build-up on the drain along with vegetation removal in areas affecting channel capacity.

On November 14, 2023, Robinson Consultants was appointed as the Township’s Drainage Engineer under the Drainage Act. The consultant has also been directed to prepare a maintenance plan for the drain and to consult with affected landowners ahead of the necessary maintenance project.

Public Meeting on August 15, 2024

The Township hosted a public open house on August 15th regarding maintenance required on the Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain.

Over 55 residents were in attendance in Harrowsmith to learn more about the drainage project along with the requirements of the Drainage Act.

A copy of the presentation materials have been posted in the documents section for reference. Please follow this project page for further updates.

location plan of municipal drain

Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain – Maintenance Project (Hartington)

The Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain was originally established as a Municipal Drain in 1985 in response to petitions filed by private landowners under the provisions of the Drainage Act. An Engineers Report was prepared by A.D. Revill Associates Ltd. at that time that documented the channel design, benefitting lands and assessment schedules. The Engineer’s Report was adopted under Bylaw No. 85-13 by the Township of Portland and the bylaw has been amended over the years to reflect updates in the schedule of assessed lands.

The main channel of the Pleasant Valley Drain originates in Hartington and drains in a southwesterly direction for approximately 6.4 kms towards Petworth Road and connects with the Napanee River.

In May of 2021, the Township appointed Robinson Consultants to carry out inspections of the Municipal Drain to assess the condition of the channel against the original design. The final report identified that maintenance was needed to address sediment build-up on the drain along with vegetation removal in areas affecting channel capacity.

On November 14, 2023, Robinson Consultants was appointed as the Township’s Drainage Engineer under the Drainage Act. The consultant has also been directed to prepare a maintenance plan for the drain and to consult with affected landowners ahead of the necessary maintenance project.

Public Meeting on August 15, 2024

The Township hosted a public open house on August 15th regarding maintenance required on the Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain.

Over 55 residents were in attendance in Harrowsmith to learn more about the drainage project along with the requirements of the Drainage Act.

A copy of the presentation materials have been posted in the documents section for reference. Please follow this project page for further updates.

location plan of municipal drain


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Page last updated: 21 Aug 2024, 12:33 PM