Why is the work being planned on the Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain now?

    The Township’s Drainage Engineer carried out a visual assessment of the Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain in the spring of 2021 and identified that the depth of the original drainage channel had significant sedimentation and debris deposits, undersized culverts, and heavy vegetation over growth in areas. Due to the shallow-wide configuration of the drain, these factors were anticipated to be having an impact on the drain. Refer to the Robinson Consultants Inspection Report dated May 2021 for further information.

    What study work has been completed to date?

    The Township retained Robinson Consultants to carry out detailed survey work on the main channel in the spring of 2022. Those findings were later reviewed against the original profile of the drain from the original design from 1985 by A.D. Revill Associates Ltd. Results of the detailed review were later reported along with maintenance recommendations to Township Council in the fall of 2023.

    Does the project consider fish, wildlife, and Species at Risk?

    Robinson Consultants has carried out various consultations with Provincial and Federal agencies on the maintenance project. Direction has been received from various permitting authorities (Quinte Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and Department of Fisheries) on project timing, water restrictions and measures to be included in the work area to protect the environment.

    When will the project start?

    The typical in-water work window for the maintenance project is July 15 through October 15 of any given year. The Township is anticipating that maintenance on the Pleasant Valley Drain will be carried out in the fall pending public consultation and Council approval of the final project. Township Council will be deliberating the final project after public consultations are completed in August.

    How much will the project cost and how will it be funded?

    Maintenance work for the Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain will be tendered in late summer and is expected to cost approximately $88,500. In accordance with the Drainage Act, all costs associated with the Maintenance work are to be assessed as per the most recent assessment schedule, which would be those in the 1985 report. Maintenance work required the profile of the municipal drain to be restored to its original condition as outlined in the 1985 report.

    Is there funding assistance for assessed farm properties in the project area?

    The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Foods and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) outlines the policies and procedures for possible one-third grants available. This one-third grant opportunity is available for properties determined to be “agricultural lands” under the Agricultural Drainage Infrastructure Program (ADIP). In order to be eligible for the provincial grant program, the property must: 

    • be eligible for the Farm Tax Class (FTC) by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation;
    • used as part of an ongoing farming operation generating at least $7,000 in annual revenue;
    • hold a valid Farm Business Registration Number and be registered with AgriCorp; and
    • have more that 50% Canadian ownership

    How do I stay informed on this project as it progresses?

    We'll mail affected landowners updates on the project as well as the notice for the public meeting. Public consultations will be carried out before any work starts. 

    You can also reach out by phone to 613-376-3027 or by email to pwsupport@southfrontenac.net with contact information for your property. This will help the Township keep you informed as the project continues. Email addresses will be used to share updates; individual information will not be used for any other purpose. Please use the subject line “Pleasant Valley Municipal Drain”.