Boat Launch Study

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In 2022, Council endorsed the Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Master Plan. The Plan made several recommendations including a comprehensive review of all Township owned and maintained watercraft access points. You can find a list of all our boat launches and water access sites on our website.

We’ve engaged Accent Building Sciences, an engineering firm that specializes in municipal facility assessments to compile data on all launches and access points in the Township and are asking for public input.

The boat launch survey closed on August 31, 2024.

Note there are several launches and access points in South Frontenac that are not owned or maintained by the Township. These are not included in this study or in the survey.

Check back for project updates and the survey results this fall.

In 2022, Council endorsed the Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Master Plan. The Plan made several recommendations including a comprehensive review of all Township owned and maintained watercraft access points. You can find a list of all our boat launches and water access sites on our website.

We’ve engaged Accent Building Sciences, an engineering firm that specializes in municipal facility assessments to compile data on all launches and access points in the Township and are asking for public input.

The boat launch survey closed on August 31, 2024.

Note there are several launches and access points in South Frontenac that are not owned or maintained by the Township. These are not included in this study or in the survey.

Check back for project updates and the survey results this fall.

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Page last updated: 04 Sep 2024, 02:43 PM