Former Sharbot Lake Public School site redevelopment: community engagement about future land uses

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The survey and consultation is now closed. The Community Engagement Summary is scheduled for presentation to Township of Central Frontenac Council at its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 12. Click here to download and review the summary report and for details about attending the meeting in person or watching it online.


The former public school site in Sharbot Lake is a 0.8 hectare (2 acre) property that is located in the heart of the village. It was purchased by the Township in 2017, with the initial plan of developing the site with a 10-unit seniors apartment building. Since then, the County of Frontenac has advanced its work on future sustainable development on communal services (as opposed to all development on private wells and septic systems). If the former school site was redeveloped using communal services, there is the potential for more density (additional residential units) and mixed uses, strengthening the viability of the village, improving the economy for existing and future businesses, and allowing for a more walkable community.

In 2021, the Township secured funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for 50 percent of the cost of a feasibility study. The study examined the feasibility of developing the site on communal services, the additional density that could be achieved on the site if communal services are used, and options for using communal services for other properties in the village. The feasibility study was completed in 2022 and determined that it would be possible to develop up to 45-50 residential units on the property and that the Township could use the communal servicing on the site to also service some other sites in the village, such as Soldiers' Memorial Hall.

More technical studies, and environmental approvals from the province, will be needed before communal services can be developed on the property.

The survey and consultation is now closed. The Community Engagement Summary is scheduled for presentation to Township of Central Frontenac Council at its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 12. Click here to download and review the summary report and for details about attending the meeting in person or watching it online.


The former public school site in Sharbot Lake is a 0.8 hectare (2 acre) property that is located in the heart of the village. It was purchased by the Township in 2017, with the initial plan of developing the site with a 10-unit seniors apartment building. Since then, the County of Frontenac has advanced its work on future sustainable development on communal services (as opposed to all development on private wells and septic systems). If the former school site was redeveloped using communal services, there is the potential for more density (additional residential units) and mixed uses, strengthening the viability of the village, improving the economy for existing and future businesses, and allowing for a more walkable community.

In 2021, the Township secured funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for 50 percent of the cost of a feasibility study. The study examined the feasibility of developing the site on communal services, the additional density that could be achieved on the site if communal services are used, and options for using communal services for other properties in the village. The feasibility study was completed in 2022 and determined that it would be possible to develop up to 45-50 residential units on the property and that the Township could use the communal servicing on the site to also service some other sites in the village, such as Soldiers' Memorial Hall.

More technical studies, and environmental approvals from the province, will be needed before communal services can be developed on the property.

Questions & Answers

Please let us know if you have questions for staff about this current stage of consultation and engagement for the redevelopment of the former school site.

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  • Share Sorry but you fail to explain what exactly is meant by "communal services". Please be clearer in intent. Thank-you. on Facebook Share Sorry but you fail to explain what exactly is meant by "communal services". Please be clearer in intent. Thank-you. on Twitter Share Sorry but you fail to explain what exactly is meant by "communal services". Please be clearer in intent. Thank-you. on Linkedin Email Sorry but you fail to explain what exactly is meant by "communal services". Please be clearer in intent. Thank-you. link

    Sorry but you fail to explain what exactly is meant by "communal services". Please be clearer in intent. Thank-you.

    Whatshisname asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Whats,

    Thanks for your question. "Communal services" or "shared services" refers to the idea that there may be financial, environmental, and social benefits to residents if small clusters of homes or businesses are able to share water and wastewater treatment facilities. You can read all about the plan in Frontenac by clicking here -> Learn about the advantages of communal water and wastewater services | 

Page last updated: 08 Dec 2023, 02:33 PM