5-Year Plan for Hard Surfaced Roads and Bridges 2023-2027
In early 2023, Township staff worked on a five year capital plan for hard surfaced roads and bridges driven by the findings of the 2022 WSP Golder Roads Study. The five-year plan includes $36.1 million in hard surfaced road investments and $6.7 million in bridge investments through to the end of 2027. Key highlights of the plan include:
- Reconstruction of 19.0km of paved (asphalt) roads
- Rehabilitation of 8.9km of paved (asphalt) roads
- Total investments of 27.9km or 17.2% of all paved (asphalt) assets
- Reconstruction of 40.1km of surface treated roads
- Rehabilitation of 143.6km of surface treated roads
- Total investments of 183.7km or 41.4% of all surface treated assets
- Construction of 24.5 centerline-km of new paved shoulders
- Reconstruction 8 bridges / large culvert structures
- Rehabilitation of 4 bridges / large culvert structures
Read the May 2, 2023 report to Council or see the appendix which lists by year which road works will take place between now and 2027. Note this is a living document and changing conditions may impact priorities and timelines. A similar report on gravel roads will be presented to Council fall 2023.
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