Ormsbee Road Reconstruction

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We will be reconstructing a 2.7 km section of Ormsbee Road. Ormsbee Road was selected due to its very poor road surface ratings in the Township's 2022 Comprehensive Roads Needs Study, along with escalating maintenance costs.

Key information

  • Work will begin in June 2024 and will take 10-12 weeks until September 2024.
  • Work will typically be done between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm, Monday to Friday (if weekend work is required, we'll notify area residents)
  • The road will be accessible at all times with one lane open. Expect traffic delays.

The project includes the following activities and improvements:

  • Existing roadway will be pulverized, re-graded and built up with improved granular base to meet design cross-section.
  • Roadway cross-culverts will be removed and replaced “like for like” at designated locations. Private entrance culverts will also be replaced.
  • Ditching improvements will be carried out for improved roadside drainage.
  • Driving lane widths will be constructed to meet current road standards and be topped with a new double surface treatment (tar and chip).

This work is categorized as a Schedule “A” project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and is considered a pre-approved construction project under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Construction activities will be led by the Township of South Frontenac Public Services team.

Thanks for your cooperation as we work to improve roads in South Frontenac!

We will be reconstructing a 2.7 km section of Ormsbee Road. Ormsbee Road was selected due to its very poor road surface ratings in the Township's 2022 Comprehensive Roads Needs Study, along with escalating maintenance costs.

Key information

  • Work will begin in June 2024 and will take 10-12 weeks until September 2024.
  • Work will typically be done between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm, Monday to Friday (if weekend work is required, we'll notify area residents)
  • The road will be accessible at all times with one lane open. Expect traffic delays.

The project includes the following activities and improvements:

  • Existing roadway will be pulverized, re-graded and built up with improved granular base to meet design cross-section.
  • Roadway cross-culverts will be removed and replaced “like for like” at designated locations. Private entrance culverts will also be replaced.
  • Ditching improvements will be carried out for improved roadside drainage.
  • Driving lane widths will be constructed to meet current road standards and be topped with a new double surface treatment (tar and chip).

This work is categorized as a Schedule “A” project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and is considered a pre-approved construction project under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Construction activities will be led by the Township of South Frontenac Public Services team.

Thanks for your cooperation as we work to improve roads in South Frontenac!


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Page published: 23 May 2024, 11:11 AM