2023 South Frontenac Budget
Consultation has concluded

Thanks to everyone who took our survey to provide feedback on the 2023 budget.
589 people took the survey. 77.9% preferred a reasonable increase to property taxes to maintain or enhance services. We’ve summarized the survey results in the slideshow below. We’ve also posted the full results under Documents.
On February 16, 2023, there will be a full presentation of the budget during the Committee of the Whole meeting. If you’d like to participate via Zoom, watch for the event listing on our website and register by clicking on the participation link.
Questions about this platform can be directed to communications@southfrontenac.net.
Budget Survey Results January 2023 Final.pptx by South Frontenac
Thanks to everyone who took our survey to provide feedback on the 2023 budget.
589 people took the survey. 77.9% preferred a reasonable increase to property taxes to maintain or enhance services. We’ve summarized the survey results in the slideshow below. We’ve also posted the full results under Documents.
On February 16, 2023, there will be a full presentation of the budget during the Committee of the Whole meeting. If you’d like to participate via Zoom, watch for the event listing on our website and register by clicking on the participation link.
Questions about this platform can be directed to communications@southfrontenac.net.
Budget Survey Results January 2023 Final.pptx by South Frontenac
South Frontenac's Long Range Financial Plan
Share South Frontenac's Long Range Financial Plan on Facebook Share South Frontenac's Long Range Financial Plan on Twitter Share South Frontenac's Long Range Financial Plan on Linkedin Email South Frontenac's Long Range Financial Plan linkMost people are familiar with a budget: a single-year view of the Township’s income and expenses, but some people may not be as familiar with a Long Range Financial Plan.
A Long Range Financial Plan is a key tool to help municipalities plan for the future and challenges such as infrastructure costs, impacts from climate change, economic uncertainty, legislative changes, capacity pressures and increased expectations from residents related to service delivery.
It includes key projections, like population growth figures, what we can expect to collect in taxes, assessment, inflation and projects operating expenses and revenue for a 10 year period. The plan also includes important information on the financial health of the Township.
It’s important to understand Council is not committed to any of the items or figures included in the plan. It is simply a forecast to help plan ahead for anticipated future needs. Everything continues to go through the annual budget approval process.
You can read our Long Range Financial Plan in the Documents pane.
Did you know?
South Frontenac has one of the lowest residential tax bills when compared to neighbouring municipalities? See the plan for full details!
South Frontenac Council Approves 2023 Budget
Share South Frontenac Council Approves 2023 Budget on Facebook Share South Frontenac Council Approves 2023 Budget on Twitter Share South Frontenac Council Approves 2023 Budget on Linkedin Email South Frontenac Council Approves 2023 Budget linkSouth Frontenac Council has approved the 2023 budget of $37.4 million. The budget represents a 2.62 per cent tax increase or $43.91 a year for the average taxpayer for the Township portion*.
“In a year where we are seeing high inflation and cost pressures in every aspect of our operations, we believe we have found the right balance that taxpayers wanted of a reasonable increase to ensure we can maintain services and continue to invest in our community to grow,” says Mayor Ron Vandewal.
78% of residents who responded to a survey about the budget last fall indicated they’d prefer a reasonable increase to property taxes to maintain or enhance services.
Budget Highlights
- Total operating budget of $25,428,671 and capital budget of $11,978,750
- Assessment growth of 1.45%
- $8.37 million for roads projects in 2023, with major road projects including sections of Sunbury Road, Alton Road, and North Shore Road, funds allocated for updating gravel roads, and culvert replacements at Wilmer Road and Opinicon Road
- $575,000 to purchase a new tanker for South Frontenac Fire and Rescue
- $120,000 to resurface Glendower courts and $124,000 for new playground equipment in Harrowsmith and Inverary
- $100,000 towards climate change strategy and initiatives
- $120,000 towards Highway 38 preliminary design (Kingston Rd to Murton Rd)
- Strategic Plan update for the Township
- Townhall expansion design
“The Township is in a very strong financial position and we are focused on the priorities that matter most to our residents,” says Mayor Vandewal. “This budget will allow us to continue to grow to be a progressive rural leader.”
The final budget documents are posted on engagefrontenac.ca and the Township website.
*based on an average assessment of $278,387.
Draft 2023 Budget Highlights
Share Draft 2023 Budget Highlights on Facebook Share Draft 2023 Budget Highlights on Twitter Share Draft 2023 Budget Highlights on Linkedin Email Draft 2023 Budget Highlights linkThe Draft 2023 Budget will be discussed at the February 16, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting starting at 9 am. If you’d like to participate via Zoom, click on the participation link on the meeting on our Events calendar.
We’ve now posted these documents under Documents:
- 2023 Draft Budget
- 2023 Budget Day PowerPoint presentation
- 2023 Capital Budget List and Detailed Worksheets
- 2023 Long Range Financial Plan presentation (see link in Documents pane)
Draft Budget Highlights
- 2023 budget: $37,407,420
- Total operating budget of $25,428,671
- Total capital budget of $11,978,750
- $448,341 overall Township levy increase being proposed
- This represents a 2.62% increase to the average taxpayer (Township portion only) or $43.91 a year
- Assessment growth is 1.45% or $308,397
A few things to note:
- At the February 16 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council and staff will review the full draft budget document which has significant variances highlighted at the bottom of each departmental section.
- The Capital Budget List outlines the list of proposed capital projects
- The final budget will be presented to Council in March with any recommended changes and for final approval
If you have comments or feedback you’d like to share and can’t attend the Feb 16 meeting, please feel free to post a comment on this page.
Delegations to Council – Budget Input
Share Delegations to Council – Budget Input on Facebook Share Delegations to Council – Budget Input on Twitter Share Delegations to Council – Budget Input on Linkedin Email Delegations to Council – Budget Input linkCouncil invites residents to provide input for the 2023 Budget via delegation or online survey. Those interested in presenting or providing verbal or written comments to Council on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 can contact the Clerk at 613-376-3027, x2222 to be placed on the agenda.
Requests to present to Council and/or written submissions must be sent to the Clerk’s Office by noon on Thursday, December 8, 2022, in person or via email to jthompson@southfrontenac.net.
Residents can also provide feedback through the survey on the feedback tab by December 31, 2022.
Introduction to the Municipal Budget Process
Share Introduction to the Municipal Budget Process on Facebook Share Introduction to the Municipal Budget Process on Twitter Share Introduction to the Municipal Budget Process on Linkedin Email Introduction to the Municipal Budget Process linkThe budget is more than just dollars and cents – it impacts you through the programs and services you receive and is considered to be one of the Township's most important strategic documents, serving as a guide for everything that we do. Each time you enjoy a local park or beach, have your garbage and recycling collected, or use a recently plowed or repaired road, you are seeing your tax dollars at work.
It is South Frontenac's goal to provide a balance of services that improve the quality of life for our residents, while also ensuring we have the organizational capacity to deliver cost-effective services in a changing world.
Keep checking back for updates.
Questions about this platform can be directed to communications@southfrontenac.net.
Our 2019-2022 Strategic Plan can be found here.
Who's Listening
Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer
Phone 613 376-3027, x2225 Email sstedall@southfrontenac.net -
Budget Timeline - Key Dates
2023 Final Budget
Long Range Financial Plan (1.23 MB) (pdf)
2023 Budget Day PowerPoint Presentation
2023 Capital Budget List and Detailed Worksheets
Budget Survey Results January 2023 Slideshow Summary.pdf (2.45 MB) (pdf)
2023_South_Frontenac_Budget_Survey Responses for posting.pdf (150 KB) (pdf)
2023 Draft Budget
How Your 2023 Property Taxes Work For You (1.76 MB) (pdf)