2023 South Frontenac Budget

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Picture of Township road

Thanks to everyone who took our survey to provide feedback on the 2023 budget.

589 people took the survey. 77.9% preferred a reasonable increase to property taxes to maintain or enhance services. We’ve summarized the survey results in the slideshow below. We’ve also posted the full results under Documents.

On February 16, 2023, there will be a full presentation of the budget during the Committee of the Whole meeting. If you’d like to participate via Zoom, watch for the event listing on our website and register by clicking on the participation link.

Questions about this platform can be directed to communications@southfrontenac.net.

Budget Survey Results January 2023 Final.pptx by South Frontenac

Thanks to everyone who took our survey to provide feedback on the 2023 budget.

589 people took the survey. 77.9% preferred a reasonable increase to property taxes to maintain or enhance services. We’ve summarized the survey results in the slideshow below. We’ve also posted the full results under Documents.

On February 16, 2023, there will be a full presentation of the budget during the Committee of the Whole meeting. If you’d like to participate via Zoom, watch for the event listing on our website and register by clicking on the participation link.

Questions about this platform can be directed to communications@southfrontenac.net.

Budget Survey Results January 2023 Final.pptx by South Frontenac

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Picture of road


    Thanks to everyone who took our pre-budget survey to help us understand the most important issues and services we should be addressing in the next budget.  

    The survey results are now posted in the news feed and under Documents. 

    Share Township of South Frontenac 2023 Budget Survey on Facebook Share Township of South Frontenac 2023 Budget Survey on Twitter Share Township of South Frontenac 2023 Budget Survey on Linkedin Email Township of South Frontenac 2023 Budget Survey link
Page last updated: 06 Jun 2023, 12:15 PM