South Frontenac Snow Plow Naming Contest

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Consultation has concluded

Snow plow and banner

While many of us are out shoveling our driveways and dreaming of warmer weather, January through March is the season when our Snow Plows shine!

With that in mind, we thought it would be fun to give these gentle snow-clearing giants some great names…. that’s where you come in!

Inspired by other communities, the Township of South Frontenac is inviting residents to help come up with awesome names for our big orange snow plows! Submit your best idea on the Snow Plow Name Generator page - you can submit up to three awesome ideas, but just make sure to add one at a time.

Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, February 6, 2022, after which, the list will be reviewed and narrowed down to a group of 25 names that the public will have the opportunity to vote on! Of the top 25, six (6) will selected the week of February 21, 2022, and later displayed on the side of South Frontenac Snow Plows.

In addition to posting your ideas, residents and their families are also welcome to print off our "Name the Snow Plow Colouring Sheet" and upload it with their snow plow name ideas. Easy to share with family, friends, students, or teachers!

The individuals responsible for submitting the chosen 6 names will receive a small prize and be invited to have their picture taken (optional) with the newly named plows!

Residents of all ages are encouraged to participate.

While many of us are out shoveling our driveways and dreaming of warmer weather, January through March is the season when our Snow Plows shine!

With that in mind, we thought it would be fun to give these gentle snow-clearing giants some great names…. that’s where you come in!

Inspired by other communities, the Township of South Frontenac is inviting residents to help come up with awesome names for our big orange snow plows! Submit your best idea on the Snow Plow Name Generator page - you can submit up to three awesome ideas, but just make sure to add one at a time.

Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, February 6, 2022, after which, the list will be reviewed and narrowed down to a group of 25 names that the public will have the opportunity to vote on! Of the top 25, six (6) will selected the week of February 21, 2022, and later displayed on the side of South Frontenac Snow Plows.

In addition to posting your ideas, residents and their families are also welcome to print off our "Name the Snow Plow Colouring Sheet" and upload it with their snow plow name ideas. Easy to share with family, friends, students, or teachers!

The individuals responsible for submitting the chosen 6 names will receive a small prize and be invited to have their picture taken (optional) with the newly named plows!

Residents of all ages are encouraged to participate.