• 2023 Frontenac Business Awards announced November 14

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    The operators of five Frontenac County businesses were honoured with Frontenac Business Awards at the Frontenac Business Retreat and Awards in Parham, November 14.

    The winners are:

    Business of the Year Award – Christine Kennedy, Memory Lane Flowers & Gifts pictured with Frontenac County Warden Ron Vandewal.

    Christine has been a pillar of the Sydenham community for more than 26 years. She’s among the first to donate her time and talents to worthy causes including the Sydenham Women's Institute, the Lions Club Sydenham & District, local school initiatives like prom committee, food drives, Halloween celebrations, decking-out the village for the Christmas spirit, and more.

    As a business leader, Christine contributes her expertise to the local economy by hosting lucky co-op students – "budding entrepreneurs" you might say – and welcoming and supporting the operators of new businesses with fresh flowers.

    We missed Christine at the Frontenac County Business Retreat and Awards this week but Warden Vandewal caught up with her Wednesday to thank her for her unwavering dedication and to present her beautiful award lantern.

    New Business Award – Roland and Liz Jensch, Grains & Goods Bakery pictured with Frontenac County Warden Rob Vandewal.

    Roland was inspired to learn the craft of bread baking in his native Germany by his grandfather, who was a master baker. After immigrating to Canada in 2017, he missed the high-quality bread to which he was accustomed. So, he made sourdough at home and began baking his own breads and pretzels.

    Friends and family soon started ordering his fresh-baked goods. He invested in a commercial mixer in 2020 to increase capacity. In 2021 he imported an Austrian-made stone mill and entered into partnership with Fat Chance Farmstead to produce stone-ground flours. His bread was soon included in the Fat Chance Farmstead community supported agriculture program.

    Small business and baking are different skills, so Roland worked with the team at Frontenac Business Services, sought guidance from volunteer consultants, and connected with farm-to-table food advocates on a plan for his family’s own commercial bakery. They soon had a business plan for Grains & Goods Bakery. Enthusiastic customers lined-up in Sydenham on opening day, Christmas Eve 2021. Lines often extend out the door, even in freezing weather.

    Thank you for starting your business in Frontenac, Roland and Liz. Welcome home.

    Click here to learn more about Grains & Goods Farmstead | Bakery.

    Partnership and Collaboration Award – Kathy and Noel Bateman, Clarendon Station pictured with Frontenac County Warden Rob Vandewal.

    Kathy and Noel Bateman operate a beautiful whole-home AirBnB at Clarendon Station. They collaborate and support local businesses by stocking their rental property with local goods. They regularly attend farmers markets to support local food producers and small business operators.

    They also occasionally offer use of their rental home for local charitable events. They are a shining light in their community, endlessly supportive of other businesses.

    Click here to learn more about the Bateman's AirBnB.

    Sustainability Award – Tarra Williamson, Bloom Farm

    Tarra operates a community supported agriculture subscription service and produces fresh vegetables and eggs; as well as salt, pickles and other products through Bloom Farm, Bloom Salt Company, and Kingston Pickle Company.

    She demonstrates excellent leadership and community spirit by volunteering her time to bring dozens of Frontenac business operators together at the Frontenac Farmers Market in Harrowsmith. She even coaches market vendors on ways they can promote their businesses through the market.

    The Frontenac Farmers Market has earned a new and growing reputation among weekend commuters and resident entrepreneurs alike. It’s a Friday afternoon tradition to stop at the market along the way, chat with neighbours, and stock-up on fresh and delicious food and other goods. The net result is a social, commercial, and sustainable success that benefits everyone involved.

    Click here to learn more about Bloom Farm

    Women-Led Business Award – Tammy Watson, Canadian Handywoman pictured with Frontenac County Warden Ron Vandewal.

    Tammy launched Canadian Handywoman, her North Frontenac property care and maintenance business, four years ago. She offers a long list of handywoman maintenance and repair services. That’s only the beginning. She also provides property check services, ensuring peace of mind for the lock-and-leave set. She manages worry free short-term rental and cottage turnovers for remote property investors and those who prefer to spend their time relaxing at their cottages instead of working on them. And she even offers a mentorship program to help women develop the skills and confidence to tackle their own common home maintenance, repair, and improvement projects.

    Tammy has an excellent online presence that demonstrates savvy and continually evolving marketing techniques. And she's a very active member of her community.

    Click here to visit the Canadian Handywoman website. And click here to see a video profile about Tammy commissioned by the good people Frontenac Business Services.

    “I want to extend my congratulations to each of the award recipients for this well-earned recognition,” says Debbi Miller, Frontenac County Community Development Officer. “Each of those businesses and the people who run them stand out as leading examples in the Frontenac business community. Thank you for your leadership and contributions to commerce in our region. Congratulations also to everyone who was nominated this year.”

    A total of 94 award nominations were submitted through EngageFrontenac.ca between August and October by residents from all four Frontenac Townships. A full list of nominees is attached below. Some businesses drew multiple nominations. The award itself was designed by Tracy Bamford of Water’s Edge Pottery in Parham. It is a pottery lantern showcasing the various elements of the Frontenac brand.

    Awards were presented to close of the Frontenac County Business Retreat and Awards at RKY Camp in Parham. Dozens of Frontenac business operators attended an afternoon of campfire chats on topics including tourism branding, farmers markets, business supports, and a panel discussion about business partnership-building. There were lots of opportunities for attendees to connect and learn from each other throughout the day.

    Planning for the 2024 Frontenac County Business Awards are already underway.

  • Frontenac Business Retreat & Awards - Pre-event email

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    Good morning,

    We are counting down the days until the Frontenac Business Retreat & Awards on Tuesday, November 14.

    The agenda is filled with various topics, opportunities to connect with each other and to celebrate our business community with the awards.

    The campfire chats will take place indoors, with an opportunity to network outdoors around a campfire (with smores) during the networking breaks.

    Some friendly reminders:

    • RKY Camp, 1194 Sugar Bush Lane, Parham, ON K0H 2K0. – Watch for the signs!
    • Bring your refillable water bottle.
    • Don’t forget warm clothes so you can enjoy the outdoor fire and make smores!
    • Remember appropriate footwear…the ground is uneven.
    • Parking is limited, please carpool if possible. RKY Camp staff will be directing parking.
    • Please follow the signs to the designated smoking area.
    • Bring your business marketing materials to share with others.

    Agenda for the day

    A cozy, casual environment to learn, connect & network with businesses in Frontenac County.

    12:00 -12:30 pm, Registration - Networking & light refreshments

    12:30-12:45 pm – Welcome, Introductions, Land Acknowledgment

    12:45 - 2:00 pm, Campfire Chat - Brand Toolkit - Let's talk storytelling!

    • Terrilyn Kunopaski, tante consulting and Hermine Mbondo, b4brand

    2:00 - 2:15 pm, Outdoor fireside break - Networking & light refreshments

    2:15 - 2:45 pm, Campfire Chat - The importance of Farmers Markets in our community

    • Frontenac Farmers Market, Sharbot Lake Farmers Market and Market at Wolfe Island Commons.

    2:45 - 3:30 pm, Campfire Chat - Business Support in Frontenac

    • Frontenac Business Services, Ontario Highlands Tourism Organization (OHTO), Ministry of Economic, Development, Job Creation & Trade, Kingston Economic Development.

    3:30 - 3:45 pm, Outdoor fireside break - Networking & light refreshments

    3:45 - 4:45 pm, Campfire Chat - Partnership Panel

    • Blue Moose B&B, Kick & Push Brewery, Sumac Centre

    4:45 - 6:00 pm, Networking & light refreshments

    • Cash bar - Kick & Push Brewery, The Local Brewery, Harrowsmith Brewing.

    6:00 pm, Frontenac County Business Award Presentations

    The following have booked business tables to offer products, samples for an opportunity to learn more.

    • Bloom Farm – product for sale
    • David & Sons – product for sale
    • The Rise Farm – product for sale
    • Water’s Edge Pottery
    • Frontenac Business Services
    • Frontenac County Economic Development, merchandise for sale. Cash sales only (sorry no e-transfer, debit, or credit card)
    1. Hats – range from $25 to $40, and Hoodies - $50

    If you have any questions, please reach out to ecdev@frontenaccounty.ca

    We look forward to connecting with you on Tuesday!

    Richard & Debbi

  • Registration now open for the Frontenac Business Retreat and Awards

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    The 2023 Frontenac Business Retreat and Awards is a cozy, casual, half-day event for business operators and their friends across Frontenac to learn, connect, and network.

    It's free to attend.

    Tuesday, 14 November
    RKY Camp
    1194 Sugar Bush Lane, Parham, ON, K0H 2K0



    12 -12:30 pm - Registration, networking, light refreshments

    12 - 2 pm - Campfire chat, brand toolkit, let's talk storytelling

    • Featuring Terrilyn Kunopaski of tante consulting, and Hermine Mbondo of B4brand
    • The Frontenac County tourism brand standards were released earlier this year. This will help us all to share the Frontenac story more effectively with prospective visitors.
    • Now the attention is on you.
    • How can you use this resource to support your own marketing efforts?
    • This interactive and playful session will challenge participants to consider what their businesses represent and how to embrace their unique identities. It's all about connecting with and attracting new clients.

    2 - 2:15 pm - Outdoor fireside break - Networking and light refreshments

    2:15 - 2:45 pm - Campfire chat - The importance of farmers markets in our community

    • Featurint representatives from the Frontenac Farmers Market, Sharbot Lake Farmers Market, and Market at Wolfe Island Commons.
    • Hear about their 2023 market experience, plans for 2024, and how your business can be involved.

    2:45 - 3:30 pm - Campfire chat - Business support in Frontenac

    • Featuring representatives from Frontenac Business Services; Ontario Highlands Tourism Organization (OHTO); Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade; and Kingston Economic Development Corporation.
    • Learn more about business supports available to Frontenac businesses. Ask questions. Learn about timelines and ways you can become more connected.

    3:30 - 3:45 pm - Outdoor fireside break - Networking and light refreshments

    3:45 - 4:45 pm - Campfire chat - Partnership panel

    • Featuring representatives from Blue Moose Inn, Kick & Push Brewing Company, Sumac Centre, and more.
    • Each business operator will share their experiences with partnerships. Q&A session.
    • How do partnerships work? What makes a successful partnership? Has anything not worked? What to consider with partnerships and partnership agreements.

    4:45 - 6 pm - Networking and light refreshments

    6 pm - Frontenac County Business Awards presentations

  • 2023 Frontenac Business Award nominations open now

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    For Immediate Release: August 14, 2023

    The Frontenac Business Awards celebrate the people and businesses of Frontenac County. They honour those who demonstrate the key qualities of being a business ambassador and the invaluable contributions they make to our community and economy in Frontenac by demonstrating unique character and supporting quality of life in our community.

    The five award categories are Frontenac County Council Business of the Year, New Business Award, Partnership and Collaboration Award, Sustainability Award, and Women-Led Business Award.

    Information and nomination forms are available online at:

    2022 Frontenac Business Awards recipients Mike and Nawar Hage, Becky Williams and Mark McCrady, and Kim and Dave Perry.

    Nominations are open until Wednesday, October 2. Awards are presented at the Frontenac Business Retreat & Awards at RKY Camp in Parham on Tuesday, November 14.

    The Frontenac Business Awards are a thank-you for the hard work that local businesses have invested in their operations. They represent recognition of the risks entrepreneurs face in establishing and growing their businesses, and celebration of their success, growth, and sustainability in Frontenac County.

    As members of the business community in Frontenac, nominees and award recipients help foster the spirit of entrepreneurship, collaboration, community building, and commerce for all businesses in our region.

    Receiving an award not only celebrates the contributions of a business to our community but highlights their success among peers. Over time, by placing an award in a business, it lends a sense of credibility and supports client attraction and marketing efforts within the community as well as further afield. Whether they take home an award or are nominated, it can mean a great deal for a business owner who is working hard to get their business name out there. You can nominate a local business or self-nominate as a business owner or employee.

    Media Contact:
    Matt Mills, Communications Officer