Winning Snow Plow Names Announced

South Frontenac Announces Snow Plow Names

Inspired by other Canadian communities, the Township of South Frontenac invited residents back in January to share their ideas for naming the Township’s snow plows. After 3 weeks of idea submissions through the online Snow Plow Name Generator on, 350 name ideas were submitted, then narrowed down to 25 by staff and voted on by the public.

“What started out as an idea to inspire the community during the winter season and provide some educational information about our winter maintenance program, turned out to be a big hit amongst South Frontenac residents, young and old,” explained Mayor Ron Vandewal.

Following a week of voting, the following names have been selected as the official names of South Frontenac Snow Plows:

  • 38 Special
  • Betty Whiteout
  • Blade Runner
  • Frontenac Flurry
  • Frost and Fluriest
  • I.C. Rhodes
  • Optimus Plow
  • Orange Crush
  • Plowabunga
  • Sir Salter

The individuals who provided these name suggestions will receive a small prize and be invited to have their picture taken (optional) with the newly named plows once they are assigned a name. The Township will be reaching out to these individuals next week.

“I want to thank all those that partook in the contest, it was great to see the endless creativity from our community,” said Vandewal. “I know my family had fun coming up with name ideas for our plows – I hope yours did too.”

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