Marysville planning information hub
The Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands is proactive in meeting the needs implied by new opportunities for Marysville. We need your guidance, thoughts, and ideas about the future of Marysville. This page is your place to learn more about planning processes and to share your ideas.
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) announced in 2016 construction of a new ferry serving Wolfe Island and Kingston.
The new Wolfe Islander IV has capacity for 83 cars and 400 passengers, up from the 55-car and 300-passenger capacity of the long-serving Wolfe Islander III. Along with the new vessel comes new ferry docks and facilities in the village of Marysville on Wolfe Island. The ferry historically docks in Dawson's Point during the winter months and Marysville during the summer months. But when the construction project is complete, the Marysville ferry dock will be the year-round access to Wolfe Island. The Marysville dock is scheduled for completion in 2023. The Wolfe Islander IV became operational in late 2023 but continues to dock at Dawson’s Point until work on the Marysville docks is complete.

Increased ferry capacity and the new docking facilities in the village will have a significant impact on Marysville and its residents. For the first time, residents and visitors will be able to walk on and off a much larger ferry for passage between Marysville and Kingston all year 'round. It will be possible to live in Marysville and work in downtown Kingston without keeping a car. Living in Marysville will become much more attractive. Tourism is expected to increase, too, along with new demands for commercial space and infrastructure for visitors.
The Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands is proactive in meeting the needs implied by new opportunities for Marysville. We need your guidance, thoughts, and ideas about the future of Marysville. This page is your place to learn more about planning processes and to share your ideas.
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) announced in 2016 construction of a new ferry serving Wolfe Island and Kingston.
The new Wolfe Islander IV has capacity for 83 cars and 400 passengers, up from the 55-car and 300-passenger capacity of the long-serving Wolfe Islander III. Along with the new vessel comes new ferry docks and facilities in the village of Marysville on Wolfe Island. The ferry historically docks in Dawson's Point during the winter months and Marysville during the summer months. But when the construction project is complete, the Marysville ferry dock will be the year-round access to Wolfe Island. The Marysville dock is scheduled for completion in 2023. The Wolfe Islander IV became operational in late 2023 but continues to dock at Dawson’s Point until work on the Marysville docks is complete.

Increased ferry capacity and the new docking facilities in the village will have a significant impact on Marysville and its residents. For the first time, residents and visitors will be able to walk on and off a much larger ferry for passage between Marysville and Kingston all year 'round. It will be possible to live in Marysville and work in downtown Kingston without keeping a car. Living in Marysville will become much more attractive. Tourism is expected to increase, too, along with new demands for commercial space and infrastructure for visitors.
Student report for Marysville available for review
Share Student report for Marysville available for review on Facebook Share Student report for Marysville available for review on Twitter Share Student report for Marysville available for review on Linkedin Email Student report for Marysville available for review linkThe students from the Queen’s School of Urban & Regional Planning (SURP) have completed their research and report on design standards for the Village of Marysville. Click here to see the full report.
Township staff will post hard copies of the report in the Marysville library.
No formal presentation or public engagement events are planned for this report. The students are finished their work, and wrapping-up their school year. Staff have not fully analyzed the document.
Staff will, however, ask Township Council for two things at its April 8th meeting:
- That Council formally receive the report from SURP in fulfillment of the terms of the agreement with Queen’s University for the project, and;
- That Council provide staff with direction about next steps for community engagement on the design standards;
The document is published now to allow plenty of time for all to review. Additional details about future community engagement will be provided as they become available.
Design recommendations for Marysville presented to Council
Share Design recommendations for Marysville presented to Council on Facebook Share Design recommendations for Marysville presented to Council on Twitter Share Design recommendations for Marysville presented to Council on Linkedin Email Design recommendations for Marysville presented to Council linkThe team of students from the Queen's School of Urban and Regional Planning presented their research on design standards and some recommendations for the Village of Marysville to Township of Frontenac Islands Council, December 18. A copy of the presentation slides is available in the documents section of the Engage Frontenac project page and a recording of the meeting and presentation is available from the Township's YouTube channel. The students' final report will be available in early 2024.
Registration open for November 7 Marysville public design workshops
Share Registration open for November 7 Marysville public design workshops on Facebook Share Registration open for November 7 Marysville public design workshops on Twitter Share Registration open for November 7 Marysville public design workshops on Linkedin Email Registration open for November 7 Marysville public design workshops linkThe Township of Frontenac Islands, in association with Queen's School of Urban and Regional Planning, will be hosting workshops to gather feedback on design standards for the Village of Marysville. The design standards will help guide the shape and form of development throughout Marysville, including the main street, the residential neighbourhoods, and the expansion area. Wolfe Island residents will have the chance to voice their priorities regarding the design of village spaces.
The design standards will include aspects such as building orientation and location, streetscape design, height limits, public space, waterfront access, and more. Community feedback will shape the future of Marysville for years to come.
Two identical workshop sessions are planned for November 7, 2023 at the Wolfe Island community hall. The first afternoon workshop will run from 2:00-4:00 pm, and the second evening workshop will run from 6:00-8:00 pm. Space at the community hall is limited, so workshops will be held to a maximum of 50 people per workshop.
Please register for your preferred time using the links below:
Workshop #1 (afternoon): Tuesday, November 7th, 2:00-4:00 p.m. – Click here to register.
Workshop #2 (evening): Tuesday, November 7th, 6:00-8:00 p.m. – Click here to register.
Click here to return to the Marysville information page.
Township official plan review amendment passes
Share Township official plan review amendment passes on Facebook Share Township official plan review amendment passes on Twitter Share Township official plan review amendment passes on Linkedin Email Township official plan review amendment passes linkThe Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands adopted Official Plan Amendment Number 7 to implement the Marysville Secondary Plan on September 12, 2022. The Township submitted the Official Plan Amendment to the County of Frontenac for final approval. The amendment was reviewed by the County's Planning Advisory Committee on October 11, 2022, and then approved by County Council on October 19, 2022. A copy of the Notice of Decision is available for download from the Important Documents section at the right.
Public meeting regarding Marysville Secondary Plan scheduled for May 9
Share Public meeting regarding Marysville Secondary Plan scheduled for May 9 on Facebook Share Public meeting regarding Marysville Secondary Plan scheduled for May 9 on Twitter Share Public meeting regarding Marysville Secondary Plan scheduled for May 9 on Linkedin Email Public meeting regarding Marysville Secondary Plan scheduled for May 9 linkTake Notice that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Frontenac Islands is proposing to adopt an Official Plan Amendment in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, as amended.
Public Meeting: The Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands will hold a public meeting in order to consider the draft Official Plan Amendment to implement the Marysville Secondary Plan. The public meeting will be held pursuant to the requirement of Section 17(15) of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, as amended. The public meeting will be held on the 9th day of May, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., both in person and via electronic participation. Please note that this public meeting is in addition to an open house scheduled for April 27, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m at the Community Hall on Wolfe Island.
The agenda for the meeting will be posted by May 5thth on the Township website ( with the link to register. To register in advance please contact Scott Kerr, Deputy Clerk/Deputy Treasurer, Township of Frontenac Islands at 613-385-2216. Members of the public are encouraged to submit written comments in advance of the meeting by emailing .
Lands Affected: The draft Official Plan Amendment applies to all properties within the village of Marysville, Wolfe Island, and additional vacant lands adjacent to the existing village. Please see the Key Map for the lands affected.
Purpose and Effect: The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to implement the Secondary Plan for the Village of Marysville (2020), including the expansion of the settlement area boundary for the Village. The Secondary Plan work can be found on the Township’s web site ( )
Other Applications: Currently, there are no other Planning Act applications that affect the subject lands.
Additional Information related to the draft Official Plan Amendment is available during regular office hours at the municipal office. The draft of the Official Plan is also available online at the following link:
Notice of Adoption: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of Frontenac Islands on the proposed official plan amendment, you must make a written request to Darlene Plumley, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, Township of Frontenac Islands, 1191 County Road 96, Wolfe Island, ON K0H 2P0 or
Appeals: If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
Notice of Collection – Personal information collected as a result of this public meeting and on the forms provided at the back of the meeting room is collected under the authority of the Planning Act and will be used to assist in making a decision on these matters. All names, addresses, opinions and comments may be collected and may form part of the minutes which will be available to the public. Questions regarding this collection should be forwarded to Darlene Plumley, CAO/Clerk/Treasurer.
Dated at the Township of Frontenac Islands this 19th day of April, 2022.
Darlene Plumley, Chief Administrative Officer
Township of Frontenac Islands
1191 County Rd 96,
Wolfe Island, ON K0H 2Y0
Key Map
Secondary Plan open house event in Marysville April 27
Share Secondary Plan open house event in Marysville April 27 on Facebook Share Secondary Plan open house event in Marysville April 27 on Twitter Share Secondary Plan open house event in Marysville April 27 on Linkedin Email Secondary Plan open house event in Marysville April 27 linkMembers of the Council of the Township of Frontenac Islands invite you to an informal Open House / Drop-in session to see the proposed plan for the future growth of Marysville that is expected over the next 25 years. Details: Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022, 5:30pm at the Community Hall in Marysville, Wolfe Island.
The new ferry and docks imply growth and change in Marysville over the coming years. The Secondary Plan process is a way for islanders to anticipate and prepare for those changes. We need your guidance. Help shape the future of Marysville. Township staff and County planning staff will be in attendance to answer any questions or listen to any ideas you have. There will be maps on display and a brief presentation at 6:15 pm.Hope to see you there!
Important Documents
Marysville Design Standards - SURP Report.pdf (34.3 MB) (pdf)
Presentation - Design Standards Research by Queen's University (Dec. 18, 2023) (21.2 MB) (pdf)
Workshop Poster (2.16 MB) (jpg)
Notice of Decision - Marysville OPA (November 3, 2022).pdf (26.6 KB) (pdf)
Marysville Secondary Plan - OPA By-Law Number 2022-20 (Final with schedules).pdf (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Agenda Township of Frontenac Islands Council Meeting - 09 May 2022 (18.9 MB) (pdf)
Marysville Secondary Plan - Public Meeting Notice - 09 May 2022 (311 KB) (docx)
Township of Frontenac Islands Official Plan c. 2013 (518 KB) (pdf)
Marysville Secondary Plan important documents
Final Report for Marysville Secondary Plan updated May, 2020 (2.45 MB) (pdf)
Marysville Secondary Plan updated May, 2020 (1.02 MB) (pdf)
Marysville Secondary Plan update to Frontenac Islands Council Sep 13, 2020 (87.4 KB) (pdf)
Open House presentation slides Aug 22, 2019 (1.71 MB) (pdf)
Background Research and Summary Report Oct, 2019 (2.05 MB) (pdf)
Open House presentation slides Dec 4, 2019 (1.65 MB) (pdf)
Frontenac Islands Official Plan Amendment
Marysville Secondary Plan draft Official Plan Amendment 14 Mar, 2022 .docx (66.8 KB) (docx)
Draft Official Plan Amendment report to Council 14 March, 2022 (520 KB) (pdf)
Marysville Secondary Plan Official Plan Amendment presentation slides 14 Mar, 2022 (789 KB) (pdf)
Map 1 Existing Village and Expansion Area (375 KB) (pdf)
Map 2 Land Use (604 KB) (pdf)
Map 3 Natural Environment (535 KB) (pdf)
Map 4 Transportation (309 KB) (pdf)
Map 5 Special Policy Areas (149 KB) (pdf)
Notice of Decision - Marysville Official Plan amendment (November 3, 2022).pdf (26.6 KB) (pdf)
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is an Official Plan?
- What is a Secondary Plan?
- Why is the Township doing this work?
- Why can’t the Township allow for the new growth on Wolfe Island to be spread out beyond the village?
- What takes priority: the Secondary Plan or the Official Plan Amendment?
- What happens if/when the Official Plan Amendment for Marysville is adopted by Township Council?
- Are there any other land use planning approvals necessary to implement the vision for Marysville?
Phase One Open Houses - August 22,2019, 2-4pm and 6-8pm.
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Update Report to Council – September 9, 2019
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Background Research and Summary Report - Oct, 2019
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Phase Two Open Houses – December 4, 2019, 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Update Marysville Secondary Plan Report - September 13, 2020
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Review Draft Final Secondary Plan - October 2020
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Open House – Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 5:30-7:30 pm
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Official Public Meeting - May 9, 2022, 6pm - Community Hall, Wolfe Island
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Adoption of OPA by Township - September 12, 2022
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Approval of OPA by County - November 3, 2022
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Design standards research (start-up) - September 2023
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Design standards workshops - November 7, 2023
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stagePlease use the links above to register!
Design standards research, presentation to Township Council - December 18, 2023
Marysville planning information hub has finished this stage -
Receive design standards research report from Queen's School of Urban & Regional Planning - Early 2024
Marysville planning information hub is currently at this stage
Who's Listening
Phone 613 548 9400 Email -
Phone 613-548-9400, extension 351 Email