Are adjacent landowers able to access the trail for personal use?

    The County works with adjacent landowners to grant permissions and, in some cases, deeded access across the K&P Trail.

    In the fall, hunting takes place on properties near the trail. Will the trail be closed for hunting season?

    The trail is not closed during hunting season, and hunting is not permitted on the Frontenac K&P Trail.

    The County expects all individuals engaged in hunting activities to follow hunting regulation and best practices, including to be aware of their environment, including the location of roads and trails in the area.  The County will communicate messages via social media to both hunters and trail users to be aware of their surroundings and to ensure visiblility while engaging in recreational activities.

    In the case that the County purchases land from a private owner for the purpose of the trail, how are they compensated?

    The County uses a professional appraisal service to determine the market value of the land.  The report provided by this service provides the basis for the County's offer to compensate.

    How wide is the trail?

    The width of the former K&P railway can range from 66 feet to 100 feet in certain sections.  Generally, the County seeks to maintain the 66 foot width to ensure a reasonable buffer between the travelled portion of the trail and neighbouring properties.  

    The travelled portion of the trail is a minimum width of 3 meters, with a 0.5m shoulder, establishing a clear width of 4.0 meters.

    A typical cross-section is included below:

    What efforts are made to mitigate dust caused by the ATVs in the summer?

    The County treats the trail with a liquid Calcium Chloride solution in the spring as part of our approach to annual maintenance, when the trail is graded, treated and then compacted.  Depending on summer conditions, spot treatments are facilitated on request in coordination with the local ATV Clubs.