Fairmount nursing professionals progress on RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization designation journey

The foundational work toward Fairmount’s Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Best Practice Spotlight Organization designation is underway and proceeding as planned.
So far, Fairmount RPN Tammy McConnell presented on wound care and healing during a BPSO virtual Learning Circle event, August 13. Fairmount’s Wound Care Committee have already recommended a pressure injury risk assessment for all residents on admission. Fairmount’s Director of Resident Care Emily Shoniker, and Assistant Director of Care Payton Hunt attended an RNAO Clinical Pathways launch event, September 11. And the Fairmount nursing team have already surpassed their RNAO Best Practice Champions Network training target for the year.Tammy McConnell RPN, Frontenac County Deputy Warden Ron Vandewal, Fairmount Administrator Susan Brant, Director of Resident Care Emily Shoniker, Fairmount resident Alison Ahara, Rebecca McEwen RN(EC), MPP John Jordan, and Anna Campbell RN (EC) launch the Fairmount Home RANO BPSO pre-designation journey, June 18. McConnell and RN Erika Van Schelven are scheduled to attend RNAO’s Clinical BPG Institute October 27-29. Fairmount BPSO co-leads Rebecca McEwen and Anna Campbell are scheduled to present on engagement strategies and public visibility at the RNAO Knowledge Exchange Symposium on November 12. And Fairmount will be applying to the RNAO Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship program and submitting a manuscript for publication.

Next, Fairmount plans to implement RNAO Clinical Pathways and PointClickCare's Nursing Advantage Canada electronic healthcare system. This an RNAO-guided effort that includes the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for improving care and efficiency, and a new system for organizing, measuring, and standardizing resident care plans for each resident's specific clinical issues or procedures. The first implimentation phase for Clinical Pathways is scheduled for March, 2025.
Check this space regularly for updates and new information as it becomes available.
Click here to learn more about RNAO BPSO designation.
Click here to read about RNAO BPSO designation at Fairmount Home.
Click here to read about the June 18 Fairmount Home BPSO launch event.
Click here to visit Engaging with Fairmount Home.

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